Keyboard Shortcuts

Jzar 10 lat temu 0
Keyboard shortcuts can be a huge boon to productivity, and I can't find any indication of some of them in the Interface or online anywhere.

Ideally, I think an interface where each user can see and modify shortcuts would be nice to have, but that's a pretty tall order.

Perhaps more reasonably, I'd like to suggest a few default shortcuts for things that I wish I could do without moving my hands off the keyboard:
  • Go to a specific tab: Ctrl + [1 - 9]
  • Go to previous tab:  Shift + Tab
  • End task: Alt + E (This is the main reason I'm making this suggestion -- I miss this shortcut from default Windows task manager a lot)
  • New task: Alt + N (I only include this for the sake of completeness.  I use Win+R for run when I want to do this)
  • Switch to: Alt + S (Also included for completeness, I don't really think this button is even all that useful)
  • Toggle filter: Alt + F
  • See more details: Ctrl + D
  • Show main menu: Alt + Space (This function could be any shortcut, doesn't matter to me, but I think there should be some kind of shortcut for the menu.  If "New task" were reassigned to Alt+N, it seems to me that Alt + Space would be a good menu shortcut.)