
Processes tab "filter" search box does not work as expected

Dean-Ryan Stone 10 lat temu Ostatnio zmodyfikowane przez Support (Developer) 10 lat temu 4
I have a process running named irsetup.exe. If I type setup into the filter box when viewing all processes, all processes disappear and nothing is listed. However, as soon as I start typing irs the image name irsetup.exe appears. Is it possible to make the filter work like a substring search, instead of the way it works now (ie etu would match setup.exe and xxetuzz)? Or, at least, have wildcard support so that *setup would match irsetup.exe and zsetupz.exe? Thx! --Dhry


The wildcard version could be useful. Thanks for tip
The wildcard version could be useful. Thanks for tip
+1. IMHO start-of-string-only filtering is not very helpful. Real world example: I just needed to start the "ASP.NET State Service," All I knew was that it was the session state service. Had no idea that it began with "ASP."

Surprisingly, I have an older version (2.38) where the filtering finds mid-string matches. Actually I ended up switching back to 2.38, and found my state service right away just by searching for "state"

BTW thanks for a great product; I've been using it for years!
It's implemented and soon it will be released. System Explorer will support ^ and $ as start and end anchors for search (like in regexps)