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I happy that support is taking a second look at this; I really like the program and find it very useful. There is a difference in effects from version 4.5.0 to 4.7.0; in the earlier version the error message continually regenerated, piling up messages so fast that ending the program was difficult. In version 4.7.0 the error message occurs occasionally and can be clicked off. Other than the error message display my computer & System Explorer seem to run fine.
Glad to see that I'm not the only one with this problem. I downloaded and installed version 4.7.0 today and instantly got the same error. I'm am going to send this problem and a link to this discussion to the "Windows Secrets" news letter to see if they have any ideas about this. I'll post anything I learn here.
I have redownloaded and reinstalled several times. The result is always the same: the error message appears shortly after installing and halts processing until closed. Sometimes it must be closed multiple times to resume running. Once System Explorer is exited, machine runs fine. I did not have this problem prior to version 4.5.0. I have uninstalled again awaiting a fix.