Ваші коментарі

I want to say to the author of this beautiful tool “Thanks, it is awesome!”. And I agree with Dmitry Puzanov that snapshot tool can be better.
First of all there is some issue with jumping to the 32-bit registry places. It will be great if program will have better compatibility with 64-bit OS.
Exporting changes in the registry is really good feature. It will be useful to make .reg file to make changes from 1-st snap to 2-nd and .reg to revert changes from 2-nd snapshot to 1-st.
Now it is a little bit difficult to see what changes were made in the registry because of description as text in the brackets. I think it will be better to display changes of, for example, registry key into two lines somewhere in the list out of tree view with remarks “new value” and “old value”.
I hope that my comment will help you to make System Explorer better :)