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Thank you... i don't understand why the services.exe can't be recognized as executable file. Did you try check the file via virustotal.com service?
Very very strange...could you please send screenshot of the error window?
Could you please try new beta version http://systemexplorer.net/download2/SystemExplorerSetup_480_beta2.exe ? This version contains many changes and new error reporting system. If some error happens then special dialog for sending crash information is displayed on next System Explorer start. Thank you
It's implemented and soon it will be released. System Explorer will support ^ and $ as start and end anchors for search (like in regexps)
Thank you for your feedback. We would like to bring sensors to System Explorer but we did not find the way how to do it. We can't implement it in house because there is no API and you need many hours and testing to get values from different board manufacturers. So we need use some 3rd party library, but we did not find any which could be used in system explorer.
Hi you can change language in options of the application.